Koh Li Xian: Welcome to the show, Sufern. I am really curious where have all the japanese students gone to in our university? I can't see any japanese people around in school except for those really cute jap girls working at the sushi place.
Koh Li Xian: However, my japanese friend told me there are actually quite alot of Japanese in school. I don't get it!
Sufern: There are.
Koh Li Xian: But you just can't seem to see them!
Sufern: They are very closely knitted as well. My officemate always go to japanese picnics, japanese outings, and japanese dinners.
Koh Li Xian: That's what I thought as well. Maybe I should disguise as a japanese and blend in with them.
Sufern: But you do not speak the language.
Koh Li Xian: I will say that I am a mute Japanese.
Andre: Oei. Why your trance songs that you give me all so talkative one ah?
Andre: Your songs are talking too much to me man. I'm going mad.
Koh Li Xian: You are damn whiny can!? I give you a mixture of trance and vocal trance cos' I thought you might like them.
Andre: I think I shall call them Talkative Trance.
Koh Li Xian: That's why it's called Vocal Trance. Not Mute Trance.

On this mute print, thank you for tuning in to the show. Before I go, remember. You can tune in to The Talk Cock Show on mute. Until next time, Good Night.