Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Episode 4

Welcome to episode 4 of The Talk Cock Show. Once again I'm your host Koh Li Xian. Answer for last episode's trivia question," How many battles did Thomas Li win?" Answer: Zero. Today we welcome a very popular figure in the Taiwan entertainment industry. He calls himself the Local King and he is well known to be having affairs with other celebrities. Please welcome Jacky Wu 吴宗宪!

Koh Li Xian: Welcome to the show. Or perhaps I thank myself for watching your show. I've always been a huge admirer to your good friend Jay Chou. He has become the most popular singer in Asian music. I wish to dedicate a song to him, and it's one of his hit songs called " 开不了口".

Koh Li Xian: 没有你在我有多难熬(没有你在我有多难熬多烦恼)

Koh Li Xian: 没有你烦我有多烦恼(没有你烦我有多烦恼多难熬).

Jacky Wu: 没有你在,我都自己来(没有你在我都自己来,右手自己来).

Koh Li Xian: You sure you have affairs with other women, according to the media? It seems more likely that you are a very lonely man.

Koh Li Xian: Seems like you are more than just a famous celebrity. You are also the nephew of Bruce Lee......Lone Lee.

Koh Li Xian: We'll take a short break now. After the break, We switch our focus to a lady who had to endure much hardship upon hearing my comments at a recent live show performed at the beach.

TV commercial: Singapore promotes Shopping! So if you want to shop, you have to buy. And when you buy, you need to.....purchase it.

Welcome back to the show. Our next guest is a lady who has transformed herself into a boy. Critics have revealed that her attitude towards people makes her a true man. I say she's a true warrior indeed. Her collection of shoes has reached a point where she has to start buying the same shoes all over again. Please welcome...Hanna Lee!

Hanna Lee: It's a torture to be here. Thank you for inviting me.

Koh Li Xian: I thank you for coming. I have to tell you that my favourite food has got to be sesame.

Koh Li Xian: I crave for sesame everyday.....sesame balls....sesame paste....sesame ice cream....sesame milkshake....

Koh Li Xian: Which is why I must go to sesame street!

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On this paroxysm, I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I do. Stay tuned to the next episode of The Talk Cock Show with Koh Li Xian.

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