Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Special Request Show: The Boon Tong Kee Story

By popular request, viewers have demanded for the infamous, one-and-only, the lonely one no two (独一无二).........The Boon Tong Kee story. The following photo and material contains explicit content. The Talk Cock Show advise all viewers that, only mature audiences are allowed, not for the weak of heart.

It was a Tuesday evening in May 2005, Your host, Koh Li Xian, was out with his parents to buy dinner back for his grandmother. It is a weekly family event as the Koh Family loves to eat Hainanese Chicken. Therefore, every tuesday the Kohs will go to Boon Tong Kee at East Coast Road to buy chickens home for a massive feast. Being the non-conformist himself, Koh Li Xian wanted Five-star Chicken Rice instead of Boon Tong Kee Chicken Rice because of the difference in the black sauce. As his parents went to buy, Koh Li Xian and his grandmother waited anxiously for the chickens for a homecoming. When his parents came home, Koh Li Xian was in seventh heaven. However, when he opened up the bags, he got a shock of his life. There was no Five Star Chicken Rice black sauce. "I don't believe it! I specially requested for the black sauce but Mummy you have forgotten!". He was disappointed, but he did not succumb to conformity. He drove to the shop to ask for the black sauce. But the very obnoxious cashier said "No. Unless you buy chicken from us, then we will give you the sauce". Exchanging words of fury with the cashier, he went home in flames of fury, empty-handed. Just as he step into the house, his grandmother and mother were in the midst of a fiery quarrel. Only to realise, Grandmother wanted more chilli sauce than it was given. "Mummy, we should end this quarreling and let's go ask for more chilli sauce from Boon Tong Kee." Driving back for the third time, Mummy requested for more chilli sauce. Equally obnoxious and arrogant was the Boon Tong Kee cashier, she refused to give more chilli sauce unless more chickens were bought. Mummy got absolutely livid, She went to next door and bought a Golden Pillow back (金枕头) (A humongous bread stuffed with curry chicken).
Ladies and Gentlemen, if you think the above story was true, think again.
Thank you very much for the request. If you want a special request, please let me know via the viewers' comments section. Until next time, I'm your host Koh Li Xian. Have a great weekend.

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