Koh Li Xian: Welcome to the show. It's a pleasure having you here. Excuse me lighting man, can we up the lights a bit? He's a bit too black to be seen.
Glenn: Yes Datok, I'm pleased to be finally on the show.
Koh Li Xian: If you did not know, me and our very own guitarist, Faiz, had a serious discussion about you. While we discussed about the ability to have our very own skill whereby Faiz wanted "The Deadly Touch", we actually gave you one skill. It's called the Shadowless Kick.
Glenn: Shadowless Kick?
Koh Li Xian: Yes. Because you are so dark that even your slowest kick cannot be seen by your opponent.
Glenn: Do you know that Royal Jelly is very good for you?
Koh Li Xian: Oh?
Glenn: My god, you don't know how good royal jelly is for your health!
Koh Li Xian: We shall now take a quick break. After the break, I will share with you a Black Joke.
Breaking News from TV Tiga: Mrs. Jennifer Took has announced to the public that she is officially becoming A Giant Douche. However, critics and punters have put their money on her to become A Turd Sandwich instead. If you wish to find out what will she become, stay tune to News 9 Tonight at 9pm.
Koh Li Xian: Welcome back to the show. As promised, a Black joke.
Koh Li Xian: Two Indians entered a room that has no lights. They shut the door. They were not allowed to turn on the lights and they were also not allowed to speak. So how are they to communicate?
Glenn: Teeth? Eyes? Touching each other?
Koh Li Xian: I knew it. I and guitarist, Faiz, always had our doubts about your sexuality. You are only homophobic on the outside, but actually you are a true black, I mean true blue homosexual yourself.
Koh Li Xian: They communicate with each other via infra red.
On this convulsion, I hope you have enjoyed the show as much as I do. Please tune in to the next episode of The Talk Cock Show with Koh Li Xian and I hereby annouced that....Black is now officially the new Pink.

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