Koh Li Xian: Welcome back to the show. What coffee would you like to drink?
Glenn: I'd like a flat white please. After the adrenaline I had last night from all the alcohol and partying, I feel like food i eat now taste damn flat.
Koh Li Xian: But I thought you ordered a flat white?
Koh Li Xian: Anyway....on another note. Tell me about something that you have encountered at the movies.
Glenn: I was at the movies with my girlfriend. And there was an obnoxious guy talking loudly in front of me. I was so annoyed. I told him to keep quiet.
Glenn: He ignored me. Fine. He continued talking loudly. I could not take it. I stood up and told him to "get the fuck out if you wanna keep talking".
Glenn: He stood up. And he actually threw his popcorn at me.
Glenn: The worst part is....he threw salty popcorn at me!!! If it's sweet popcorn, it's all right.
Koh Li Xian: ..................
After the break, we will continue our chat with Glenn on recent movies that he has watched lately.
Koh Li Xian: Welcome back to the show. Few weeks back, we watched a Thai movie called "Bangkok Dangerous".
Koh Li Xian: I didn't know it was a quite an arthouse film rather than an action-packed movie that I expected it to be.
Andre: The movie doesn't seem very dangerous leh.
Koh Li Xian: Well it's not THAT dangerous.......but you can SENSE the danger was there.
Glenn: Well, at least it is honest about it lah.
Koh Li Xian: Hmmmmm.
Koh Li Xian: We also watched the movie "Carrie" recently. What are your thoughts? I think that....Carrie can never be destroyed!
Koh Li Xian: The only solution is to make Carrie fight........Bruce Willis.
Glenn: Why Bruce Willis?
Koh Li Xian: Because he can never die in Die Hard!
Koh Li Xian: You have to find someone who cannot die to kill Carrie. Undead Vs Undead.
Glenn: But Bruce Willis is not undead! He just.......Died.....Hard.

On this kablooey, thank you for tuning in to the show. Until next time, Good Night.